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  • in reply to: Hyperpigmentation #1821

    I haven’t tried green light with this particular issue, I will look on to it as well. Thanks for the heads up @nutrisha01

    in reply to: Moquitoes #1820

    by attracted you mean they come more often if you use blue and green lights? @ron_ron_ion

    in reply to: Does RLT have side effects? #1819

    Even though this type of treatment is generally very safe, negative effects may occur. As a consequence of light therapy, patients can complain of irritability, headaches and eye strain. Though very few cases.

    in reply to: Photobiomodulation #1818


    upon checking here is one example of PBM light looks like. I think PBM is a more complex device compared to RLT

    in reply to: getting started on light therapy #1817

    I suggest you go through the topics in this forum. you will learn A LOT and there are tips as well that you can use in the future if you like it.

    in reply to: Does it work ? #1602

    I have a lot of green tea though the tea that you are drinking. LOL. @niconico88 how do you make a DIY green tea?

    in reply to: Allergies #1601

    @Nichola – where did you get that and do you have idea how much is it?

    in reply to: What is the recommended eye protection or eyewear ? #1600

    But no one is forcing anyone though. You can go ahead and not use goggles if you think that it is not necessary.

    in reply to: Is there proof that red light work oncellulite? #1259

    @ron_ron_jon actually as per researching, there’s a lot of hidden benefits RLT has to offer other than that. It is being studied to help cure COVID 19 virus as well. Interesting right?

    in reply to: What is the recommended eye protection or eyewear ? #1258

    I got this from RubyLux’s website. If you are using their item please read :

    The first reason you need eye protection is because the light is so bright it is going to be very uncomfortable on your eyes. Depending on the bulb or device you’re using, it might even be bright enough to harm your eyes.

    Just closing your eyes may not be good enough to protect them. Have you ever still been able to “see” light even with your eyes closed? That happens because the light is still making contact with your eye’s retina. The brightness of a red light therapy bulb could certainly cause that to happen.

    Another reason is that some people, especially those with certain medical conditions, are more likely to react to light. Bright or flashing lights can trigger migraine headaches or seizures in susceptible people, for example.

    So what can you use for eye protection during red light therapy? Fortunately, if your therapy is ONLY red light (no other colors and no infrared light, which is different from red light) you have a lot of options. You basically just need to block enough light to make your eyes comfortable. Extremely dark tinted glasses or goggles might work. And there are red light therapy eye goggles and glasses on the market that are specifically made for it. You could even opt to block all light from your eyes entirely.

    in reply to: Bulbs difference #1257

    @ron_ron_jon I guess the worst you could get from a bulb is red marks for using it too much daily and/or minor burns.

    in reply to: Is there proof that red light work oncellulite? #730

    Ohh this is quite a read. I haven’t thought of RLT to help with cellulite too! Now I guess I need to do this on my thighs too to see if it will work for me too!

    in reply to: What could go wrong? #729

    actually, red light therapy increases your optimal recovery when it comes to high blood pressure. Increased blood circulation, caused by the RLT, can benefit those with high blood pressure because good circulation allows the heart to do less work.

    in reply to: Bulbs difference #728

    I agree with Loveyou3000, sometimes our eyes are very sensitive that it confuses our brain that we can’t see increases in light brightness until the brightness increases by an order of magnitude.

    in reply to: Effect on your immune system #644

    Is it clinically proven?

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